
Social Studies - Government Test


Our Government/Immigration Unit test will be on Wednesday, December 15th!

Please be regularly taking home your Black or Green Social Studies duotang to study!

Social Studies - Guest Speaker

We have been working on our Government Unit

Aspects of Government & Citizenship

Today we were very excited to have a guest speaker.

Councilor Colin Campbell of Markham

He talked about local concerns (traffic), his action plan and the students got to ask about all sorts of questions from how he became involved in politics to his favorite part of his day.

Thank you Councilor Campbell for visiting and sharing all your experiences with us!


Artful Artist: Henri Matisse

The King of Color!

This week we move to the Expressionist movement...color color color!

Started with a Read Aloud of "Matisse the King of Color" by Laurence Anholt
- artists books for children series.

Changing the medium this week, we focused on Matisse's style of art called The cutouts(which is Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, on white paper).

We simply used colorful construction paper and white paper as our base.
This week, the students were encouraged to create! They had tons of fun...and were even quite serious about properly naming their artwork.

These are some of the wonderful pieces...please enjoy!


Math - Data Management, Assessments

Please take duotangs home to study!

Assessment # 2: Broken Line Graphs - reading & interpreting - Monday, November 29!

Assessment # 3: Broken Line Graphs - graphing & interpreting - Thursday, Dec 2!

Math Club - will be available for students during morning recess (sign name on whiteboard).

Math - Data Management, Broken Line Graphs


Broken Line Graphs worksheet booklet

Please study for Single Bar Graph Assessment for November 25


Math - Data Managment

Single and Double Bar Graph Assessment #1

- Interpreting the data
- Will be on , Thursday, November 25


Artful Artists: Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh

This week we are featuring the artists: Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh

We will learn about the techniques used during the Impressionist movement

The students will be encouraged to recreate a version of Claude Monet's "Water Lilies", "Haystacks" or Vincent van Gogh's, "Sunflowers" or "Starry Night".
Using oil pastels and smudging the class had a messy blast...
Below are some of our artwork (the students work is shown with the black background, the artists version is on white).


Artful Artists

It is my pleasure to launch the art unit for the next little while.

I have the full support of both my host teacher and her grade partner. Together with another teacher in training, we will construct the art program for our combined classes. Each week we will focus on a different art period - art movement- or famous artists of that period.

To begin our unit we will start with the Renaissance period...focusing on the four greats: Leonardo de Vinci, Michaelangelo, Rafael and Donatello.


New School...New Students...

Thank you to Mrs. I for welcoming me to her Grade 4/5 class.

This will be my final placement and I have offered to manage a blog for our class.

This is a spot that will be available for my Grade 4 and Grade 5 students (and their parents) at This Awesome Public School to:

1. Check homework
2. Check Quiz/Assessment dates.
3. Keep track of what has been covered (if they were absent).
4. Parents to check for school events that involve their child.
5. See their work displayed.
6. Get extra practice math questions.
7. Have fun!

I am very excited to be here and I hope the next several weeks will be fun and educational for all of us.
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