Almost 1 million people have signed our letters to President Obama, Vice President Biden, the Japanese Ambassador to the U.S., the Prime Minister and Minister of Health in Japan. The more people who sign, the more impact we’ll have when we take the letters to the Japanese Embassy in Washington, and to the Minister of Health in Japan.
In The Cove, a team of activists and filmmakers infiltrate a heavily-guarded cove in Taiji, Japan. In this remote village they witness and document activities deliberately being hidden from the public: More than 20,000 dolphins and porpoises are being slaughtered each year and their meat, containing toxic levels of mercury, is being sold as food in Japan, often times labeled as whale meat.
To really make an impact on this issue, we must get the word out in Japan and urge action from our own leaders. We believe that once the world and the Japanese people know, they will demand change. Help us save Japan's dolphins.
There are a ton of lessons available for Mother's Day.
I had a bunch of left-over foam from my book project. I thought I'd use the foam to create Mother's Day cards with foam background and let the students create whatever they can with the foam and glue it on.
Integrated in was Language Arts, where I had them come up with an acrostic featuring the word MOTHER. Either with one word that signifies the letter relating to their mother or a short sentence. This lesson is very short and most of the students had enough time to create another card. Luckily I had a lot of foam!
What I did not account for...and this was something I overlooked but luckily my host-teacher saved me (sort of). When preparing these activities...a teacher has to be sensitive to the varying home situations of students. So note to self and to future novice teachers: Know your students backgrounds!